Vincci Lys (4 stars) is a hotel with great standards located in a central situation, perfect for easily getting to the main tourist attractions that Valencia can offer to its visitors. In this accommodation you can find affordable prices, from 83 €. Offers to its customers free wifi internet connection in all its facilities. Vincci Lys offers several amenities, being some of the most relevants: parking, restaurant and climate control. In addition this accommodation is adapted to provide disabled access. About the remarcable places, its situation is located very close to Reial Col·legi Seminari de Corpus Christi and in the surroundings of Centre Cultural la Beneficència and Valencian Museum of Ethnology.
You can book your room in Vincci Lys from 83 €.
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Address: Martínez Cubells, 5. 46002 Valencia. Spain.